Couples Sessions

60mins | $120

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You have to be 100% in the moment.

Here is some relationship advice for newly engaged couples: 

Have DATENIGHT every week. It does not take money to share a home cooked meal without: Other people, the TV, Cell Phones or Interruptions.

Always put them first! (this does not apply if you have children) You must prioritize your mate and this relationship like no other. You can't expect and different outcome if you are inputting the same selfish behavior.

Make ALL decisions together. Don't agree just to be nice. Make sure you agree as a couple what you completely desire before you hire help.

Talk everyday about your want's and needs.

Never speak or complain about your mate to others.

Speak life into your new love. Keep in mind what you say about them is a reflection on you.

If you are not complete satisfied with your mate, don't try to change them. Accept them where they are right now. if you can' should not be getting married.

Make Love Often.